Feeling distant from your kids and unsure about their influences? Let's change that together!

Transformational Parenting


A six month program to become the parent you have always wanted to be


Join the waitlist

"Within the first week of class I had a radical transformation."


"I credit Michael and this course... it changed my life."


"Michael's humanness is his superpower to lead transformation."

- Ellie

If you are longing for:


✔ A deeper relationship with your teen

✔ Practical parenting tools and advice 
✔ Ways to be an effective ally to help your teen face today's  unique challenges

✔New perspectives, growth and change within yourself

✔Support from a community of experts and like minded parents 


This program is designed for you!

Reserve Your Spot

Join the waitlist and get first priority for the next cohort of Transformational Parentings